Коллеги подсказали, что зоантиды хорошо переносят температуру не ниже 10 градусов на время транспортировки, но с условием, что они едут во влажном виде, например обернутые влажной мягкой бумагой
With zoas unless above ten degrees they seem to be good and better shipped damp rather than in water.
I guess if you look at some of the shallow water zoas they are tidal and spend 12 hours out of the water in different conditions.
I recently did a few experimental postings and 72 hours was good for 90 percent with no heat packs and external temperatures around 12 degrees. Russia is a different ball game with sub zero temps reaching -30 ish. I have a tank in Lithuania at my summer house and my battle well my tank carers battle is always the winter weather. I heard somebody talking of a great seller in Poland but he seems to keep it close to his chest but if I find the contact and they are good I will let you know.